Thursday, October 29, 2009

The verbal shit my mind took, but my body really needs to take at the moment

I won't try to lament this time around. I will simply state my thoughts in a probably, somewhat roundabout way. I really need to get my priorities straight and my life organized. I don't know how I could've possible bombed my last midterm, but I did. Pretty pissed about it, but what do I know? Every time I think I just get it [it - referring to a possible number of things: life, the neurology subject at hand, how to deal with people issues, budgeting, anything], "it" comes back to kick my ass. So how do I resolve this? I think, and when I say I think, it's because I don't really have any reference but my own personal experience (which has not served me too well lately, I realize) - well, I think that I just read everything at face value, and when I notice the blanks that should be filled, I simply forget to acknowledge them, and fill those blanks in with my own answers, without really any manner of consultation. I'm sorry reader, if that was a really vague analogy, but I tend to believe my own philosophical answers to the questions that life throws at me supercede those of the experts per subject area. Regardless, my own most likely flawed system of logic and thought has led me to believe that I need to pursue something of a higher order that can appropriately answer the aforementioned questions that seemed to beat me at every game, which means I need some system for knowing what questions to ask, how to ask them, when to ask them, and why I should ask them. I also THINK that everything boils down to simple terms - like that question example, I always try to break it down to the Who, What, When, Where, Why, How? Of course I forget the components of each section, and it's oh SO easy to forget them. I forgot about what I was driving at for a split second, but I'll take this time to point out that I really really enjoy writing and making roundabout statements, chock full of fragments and modifiers. It's just a part of me. Deal with it. I'm also curious what kind of person I am. I kind of have an idea, or several ideas of who I think I am, and I KNOW that you're not supposed to base your identity off what everyone else makes of you, but I am curious as to what people perceive. I can really learn a lot of someone just told me how things are with me. I sound kind of self-centered, don't I? Well it is my own blog after all, I'm not gonna write about other people unless if it's got some remote relation towards myself. I haven't decided whether or not I'm gonna publish this to people - GEEZ I should probably break a paragraph or something, huh. Nobody really likes to read long paragraphs.

There. Happy?

I guess I'll put this on hold, I have to read an article, and I don't have much time, and I have a ton of studying to do. I guess the upcoming tasks at hand are:
-finish reading article on BMIc, write summary/critic - due midnight tonight
-read Bear chapters (I should probably go over these in greater detail, but I need the baseline info, so I'll start with a skim) - preferably due ASAP
-CACN application - gotta turn this in tomorrow
-calteach lesson plan (should probably contact Monet and decide whether or not this should be a partnership thing, I think it should - I don't even have enough time for that much as it is) - due Tuesday
-Coloring book - ASAP, enough said
-print Haines slides/review
-learn all the myelin stain slides from ventral to rostral thoroughly
-learn the list of terms, function and location-wise
-identify my end goals for my actions - specifically classes - it'd probably help (I guess that's where Cal Teach kind of helps)

Again, I forgot that I was supposed to be reading right now. I'll publish this too I suppose.

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